Saturday, February 20, 2010

Belated Post 2: Christmas

This year for Christmas, Ken and I spent time with Bob and Mary in Devil's Den. No I'm not making a silly joke about my in-laws....we stayed in a cabin at Devil's Den State Park in Arkansas :-) We had a fabulous time relaxing, eating, jigsaw puzzling, hiking, and caving. Here are some pics of the scenery....

Mary and Ken went to a cave. When they emerged something scary was hiding above them.....can you spot it in the rocks above Mary's head? ;-)
Those are bats above Bob's head....they were everywhere! We had to be really careful about where we put our hands. Most of them were just sleeping but every now and then one would start squeaking and flying around. That freaked me out as I just pictured a swarm of bats flying at us all at the same time. I usually screamed and ducked down and got laughed at by everyone else :)

After Arkansas, we head to Nashville. We dog sat Jed and one morning we went to the car to leave and somehow Jed ended up like this....I swear we didn't even have a door open. Not sure how he did it!
We spent Christmas morning at Bobby and Linda's house where the crew was ecstatic about taking Elizabeth out on her new pink ATV that Santa brought her.

We had a lovely lunch with Bob and Mary at Opryland hotel.

We came back to Tulsa shortly after Christmas and Jace and Jan came out for a visit. Mom and I went shopping and came home to Dad and Ken playing a submarine computer game. Quality time.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

Jed is magic. That is the only thing that can explain that one. :) I had a imagine of you like the one in the goonies where all those bats are flying out and around in the cave. Glad it wasn't me. Miss you guys. (yes Ken too)